Sunday, April 19, 2015

Role Models

One of Jason's main reasons that he does not have a voice is because he does not have any confidence, this however, is not the only reason why. In his life right now, Jason lacks a male role model to show and teach him what he should do as he gets into adulthood. For example, when Jason and his dad were on the beach and bumped into Mr. Salt, Jason's dad immediately backed down and let his pride be insulted. When Jason's dad did this, it taught Jason to not have a voice and to let other people push you around. While Jason may not have a male role model in his life, he does have two female role models, Julia and his mom. Both Julia and his mom each act and show the exact opposite of what Jason's dad shows. When Jason watches them, they teach him to have a voice and to never back down or be afraid. Julia shows this by not fearing their parents and being confident in what she talks about. Jason's mom shows Jason how to have a voice when she deals with the three shoplifters. During that time Jason's mom is yelled at, threatened, and about to be fought, but all the way through she kept her composure and dealt with the young women like an adult would have. Although Jason has no good male role models, he can look the other side of the family to teach and guide him into manhood.

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