Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Characteristics of Animals

There are many reasons that people will admire animals, they are caring, selfless, and loving. However, the first trait of animals that comes to mind is that they are loyal. Humans typically admire this trait because everyone wants to have loyal companions. No one wants to be stabbed in the back or double-crossed; they want to have friends that are loyal to a fault, who will always have their back.
In the two essays “The Courage of Turtles” and “The Death of a Moth”, Hoagland and Woolf admire these two animals because of how courageous they are. In Woolf’s essay, he talks about how he witnessed a moth’s courageousness and how he admired it. He says that in its last dying moments, the moth put all its energy and effort into flipping itself over. Woolf admired this last effort because even though it was useless, it took valor and pride to accomplish.

The animal that I admire the most is the dog. The reason that I admire this animal so much it because they has many qualities that I would like to have for myself, happiness, protectiveness, and loyalty. These traits mean a lot to me because they are what I look for in a person. I want all of my friends to be loyal and have my back; I want them to always be happy and able to cheer me up, and protect me from any threat. Animals mean a lot to me and I admire all, no matter how big or how small. They all live life without complaining, are courageous, and are loyal to a fault.
10/9/14 8:37 pm

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